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Elder Flower Whole Dried ~ Sambucus Nigra

Elder Flower Whole Dried ~ Sambucus Nigra

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Elder Flower Whole Herb Dried ~ 100% Premium Natural

Botanical name: Sambucus Nigra

Elder, also known as Boor Tree and Black Elder, is a deciduous shrub native to Europe, Asia and Africa. While the fruits provide food for wildlife, the leaves and flowers are used to make elderberry wine and other beverages, as well as soothing syrups. Elder flower is also an ingredient in natural hair and skin products, prepared either as infused oil or a water infusion.

According to the legend, cutting the bush is unwise unless first obtaining permission from the Elder Mother, a dryad or tree nymph who is said to reside in the heart of the small tree. For extra insurance, reciting “Elder Mother, please give me some wood, and I’ll give you some of mine when I grow into a tree” three times bore making a cut is sure to appease the tree spirit.

The Elder Mother is the subject of Hans Christian Andersen's "Hyldemoer,” a classic tale in which a young Danish boy, who gets his feet wet and catches cold, dreams of “sailing into the warmer countries” after sampling two cups of elder flower tea. It is also said that falling asleep under an elder bush in flower is to risk waking up in Fairyland.

Flowers have a light but earthy flavor. Pairs well with mild herbs like chamomile and meadowsweet.

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