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Ginger Root Wild Crafted Powder ~ Zingiber Officinale

Ginger Root Wild Crafted Powder ~ Zingiber Officinale

Regular price $5.95
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Wild Crafted Ginger Root Powder ~ 100% Premium Natural

Botanical name: Zingiber Officinale

Ginger is a spice obtained from the dried root of a flowering plant that is native to India and Malaysia, where it is also considered an important herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It is rarely found in the wild today, but is widely cultivated in China, where the herb is known as Shen Jiang.

Most people are familiar with ground ginger root as a flavoring for cookies, cakes, breads and pumpkin pie. However, powdered ginger can also be used in natural skin care products, from soaps to facial toners and lotions.

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