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Marshmallow Leaf Wild Crafted Premium Dried Cut Leaves ~ Althaea Officinalis

Marshmallow Leaf Wild Crafted Premium Dried Cut Leaves ~ Althaea Officinalis

Regular price $6.95
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Wild Crafted Marshmallow Leaf Dried Cut ~ 100% Premium

Botanical Name: Althaea Officinalis

Marshmallow, also known as Sweet Weed and Mortification Root, is a flowering perennial native to Africa and naturalized in Europe. Elsewhere, the plant is grown as an ornamental garden specimen. It is also used to lend a mild, sweet flavor to foods and beverages and a soothing quality to topical preparations. Because the leaf contains pectin and mucilage, the herb is a natural thickening agent and emollient.

Marshmallow was once thought to have influence where affairs of the heart were concerned. A bouquet of the leaves left on the grave of a loved one was believed to ensure a safe journey to the next world, while a bunch placed on a windowsill of the home would guarantee the return of a lover gone astray.

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