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Milk Thistle Wild Crafted Seeds ~ Silybum Marianum

Milk Thistle Wild Crafted Seeds ~ Silybum Marianum

Regular price $5.95
Regular price $5.95 Sale price $5.95
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Wild Crafted Milk Thistle Whole Seeds ~ 100% Premium

Botanical name: Silybum Marianum

Milk thistle is a member of the aster family that is native to southern Europe and Asia and now naturalized throughout much of the world. Like most thistles, milk thistle is characterized by sharp spines or thorns that surround the flower head. The herb is grown as an ornamental specimen as well as a commercial crop. Although other parts of the plant may be used, milk thistle is primarily cultivated and harvested for its seeds.

While the seeds are most frequently used to make teas, tinctures and infusions, they can also be as food. In fact, the seeds, with a flavor profile similar to flax, contain up to 25% protein. Try adding whole milk thistle seeds to salads, shakes and smoothies, cereals and breads.

Note: Item cannot be shipped to Washington State due to state restriction.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the CFIA or FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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