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Organic Mugwort Herb Dried Cut ~ Artemisia Vulgaris

Organic Mugwort Herb Dried Cut ~ Artemisia Vulgaris

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Organic Mugwort Herb Dried Cut ~ 100% Premium

Botanical name: Artemisia Vulgaris

Mugwort is a perennial herb with a long history of use. As such, the herb is known by many alternative names, not the least interesting of which include Naughty Man and Old Uncle Henry. But the most commonly used “other” name for mugwort is common wormwood.

The long, hairy stems of this plant is a common sight in pastures, meadows and roadside patches where nothing else seems to grow. In fact, because the herb isn’t fussy about its habitat it’s considered to be an invasive nuisance weed by many.

Mugwort has been used as a potherb and tea additive for centuries. At one time, before hops became the standard, the herb was used in beer-making.

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